Faculty of 1000 evaluations.
'Slings' enable neutrophil rolling at high shear (2012).
Protein kinase A governs a RhoA-RhoGDI protrusion-retraction pacemaker in migrating cells (2011).
Visualizing a one-way protein encounter complex by ultrafast single-molecule mixing (2011).
Self-organization in high-density bacterial colonies: efficient crowd control (2007).
Research journals and magazines.
"Chemoattractant Signaling in Dictyostelium: Adaptation and Amplifi cation", By Pablo Iglesias, Science Signaling 5 (213), pe8 (2012) PDF
“Folding of a Single α-Synuclein”, by Sara Webb, ACS Chemical Biology 6, 299 (2011) PDF
“Microfluidic devices streamline fluorescence experiments”, by Ashley Smart, Physics Today 64, 16-18 (April 2011) PDF
“A triple threat to single molecules”, by Martin Gruebele, Nature Methods 8, 214-215 (2011) PDF
photostability of fluorophors”, by Petra Dittrich, Lab on a Chip 9, 3176
(2009) PDF
“An adjustable
corrective lens for two-photon microscopy”, by Hank Hogan, Biophotonics
International, Jan. 2008, p. 18-19 PDF
“Self-organization in bacterial
colonies”, research highlight by Petra Dittrich, Lab on a Chip 8,
p. 197 (2008) PDF
Research highlight in brief, Nature Reviews Microbiology, Dec. 2007 PDF
control”, Research highlight, Nature 450, 322 (2007) PDF
“Flow cytometry moves
forward”, by Hank Hogan, Biophotonics International, Nov. 2006, p.
38-40.“Szilard's dream”, by Nathalie Q Balaban, Nature
Methods 2, pp. 648-649 (2005) PDF
“Microfluids change direction”, by Nicolas Garnier, Physics
World, June 2004, p.22 “Microfluidic Memory”, by Andrew de Mello, Lab
on a Chip, 3, p. 35N, 2003 PDF
“Nichlineare rheologie. -
Flüssige Mikroschalter” (In German. “Non-linear
rheology. – Liquid micro-switch”), by
Volker Drach, Physik in Unserer Zeit, 34 (5), p.200 (2003) PDF
“Controlling the flow”, by Melanie Brazil, Nature
Reviews Drug Discovery 2, p. 510 (2003) PDF
“Turbulence without inertia”, by Ronald G.
Larson, Nature 405, pp. 27-28 (2000) PDF
On-line media and newspapers.
"How Does The Immune System Power Inflammation?", Medical News Today, July 5, 2012
"Key Step in Immune System-Fueled Inflammation Discovered", ScienceDaily, July 1, 2012
“Watching single molecules under flow”, Research Journal Highlights, Nature Methods, Feb. 7, 2011
“Researchers Develop Method to Study Transiently Folded Proteins“, GEN news highlights: Feb. 9, 2011
“Understanding Biofilms”, by
Amy Proal, Bacteriality: exploring chronic decease, 2008
device may reveal ways to fight antibiotic-resistant biofilms”, Medical
News Today, November 14, 2007
“Together we
stand: bacteria organize to survive hostile zones”, Physorg.com,
November 13, 2007
crowd control in bacterial colonies”, ScienceDaily, Oct. 31, 2007
“Slime city reveals how bacteria
cooperate”, MSNBC Technology and Science, November 20, 2007
crowd control”, MicorbiologyBytes, December 21, 2007
“Welcome to
the Micro-Hotel California”, Dec 2, 2007
among bacteria”, by Thomas Hesselberg, Life of Science,
October 31, 2007
chip helps solve cellular mating puzzle”, EurekaAlert,
February 2007
microdevice enables plasma separation”, separationsNOW.com,
June 19, 2006 “Triangles
form one-way channels”, Technology Research News, March
24, 2004,
Laser Brings 3-D to Microfluidics”, Photonics Spectra, August
“Liquid Diode
designed”, SETSquared, April 5, 2004
“Microfluids change direction”, Physics
Web, June
“Panschen im
Kleinen: Fliesskontrolle und Datenspeicher mit flussigen Polymeren”
(In German. “Splashes
in small: flow control and data storage with liquid polymers”), Wissenschaft-online,
May 9, 2003
cheap technology’ hold huge promise”, by United Press
International, SmallTimes news report, May 2003
“Liquid memory devices, drug dispensers”, The Washington Times,
May 8, 2003
Therapies and Liquid Memory May Develop from Micro Fluid Research, Science Researchers Say”, American Association for the Advancement of
Science news report,
8 May 2003
go nonlinear”, Technology Research News, May
29, 2003
turns elastic”, Physics Web, May 5, 2000